Our Institution, a temple of learning and a hallmark of discipline, treads towards the zenith of glory by preferring the education of global standards in the best quality and variety, and substantiates to be a benchmark among all the colleges in India.


Role of the Committee

  • To monitor the students regularity & discipline
  • To enable the parents to know about the performance & regularity of their wards. Improvement of teacher-student relationship
  • The counsellor helps the students to resolve their problems in a positive way by helping them to analyze the problems develop strategies and find out solutions.
  • Giving an opportunity for students to learn to improve their emotional, behavioural, personal, interpersonal characteristics, to develop confidence, make better choices, and increase educational efficacy.
  • Helping students to explore and express feelings and ways of thinking about their present situation.


S.NoName of the MembersProfessionMobile Numbere-mail address
1Dr.C.SIVAKANDHANASSOSCIATE PROFESSOR9443495945kandhansiva69@gmail.com
2Mrs. M .PRESITHA AARTHIASSISTANT PROFESSOR9363640813presithaaarthim@gmail.com
3Mr. C. SASIKUMARASSITANT PROFESSOR8072173288sasixlcse@gmail.com
4Mr.R.KARTHIKEYANASSISTANT PROFESSOR8667674606kkeyan309@gmail.com
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