Our Institution, a temple of learning and a hallmark of discipline, treads towards the zenith of glory by preferring the education of global standards in the best quality and variety, and substantiates to be a benchmark among all the colleges in India.


Role of the Committee

  • To prohibit any conduct by any student, whether by words spoken or written or by an act that has the effect of teasing, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
  • To bring out awareness among the students about the consequences of ragging.
  • To keep a constant eye and vigilance over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence.
  • To address any ragging issues immediately and take action as advised by the committee.
  • To oversee the procedure of obtaining undertakings from the students and parents in accordance with the provisions.

Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee

S.NoName of the Committee MembersProfessionMobile NumberEmail
1Dr. V.SujathaPrincipal7598251217balkisujatha@gmail.com
3Mrs.A. RajeswariVAO9043751821rajesrameshrr@gmail.com
4Mr.S.GnanasivamOfficer (NGO)9842242151gnanasivamngo@gmail.com
5Mr.C.BalamuruganParent Representative8524946375cbalamurugan2014@gmail.com
7Ms. R.KalainilaStudent6383278328kalainilacs2021@gmail.com
8Mr.S. DhanushkumarStudent7695825463dhanushkumarese2020@gmail.com
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