Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) envisages engaging a large number of faculty and students, and encourage, inspire and nature young students in various innovation and entrepreneurship–related activities such as ideation, problem-solving, proof of concept development, design thinking, IPR, project handling and management at pre-incubating/incubation stage as well as at the initial phases.
At our IIC the faculty and students have ample opportunities to routinely interact with (MHRD’s Innovation Cell)MIC and to participate in various Innovation Initiatives and ATAL Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) by the Govt. of India. The objective is to create a platform for Innovative Projects carried out by our institution’s faculty and students.
Problem solving and Ideation workshop
Institution’s Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Session on “Problem solving and Ideation workshop” for the all department students on 26/11/2024 between 10 AM to 5.00 PM in the Smart class Room of the EEE Department. The totally 70 students and 5 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this session. P Mr. S.Alagupandi , Technical Head, United soft Tech Solution Private Limited, Salem, introduced the topic and shared the importance of such events. Then firstly, the resource person gave a brief information about problems and regarding ideas and solutions.
Motivational Session on “Startup-An Emerging Opportunity”
Institutions’ Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Motivational Session on “Start-up – An Emerging Opportunity” for the all department students on 23/10/2024 between 10 AM to 4.00 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 75 students and 10 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this session.
My Story - Motivational Session by Successful Innovators
Institutions’s Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Session on “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Innovators” for the all department students on 08/11/2024 between 10 AM to 1.00 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 122 students and 10 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this session.
Celebration of National Education Day
The Institution’s Innovation Cell and Entrepreneurship Development Cell jointly organized a “National Education Day Celebration” on 11th November, 2024. National Education Day is an annual observance in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of independent India, who served from 15 August 1947 until 2 February 1958. National Education Day of India is celebrated on 11 November every year. The Ministry of Human Resource Development announced on 11th September 2008, “The Ministry has decided to commemorate the birthday of this great son of India by recalling his contribution to the cause of education in India.
Institution Innovation Council cell arranged for Department of ECE & EEE students to create and develop the new project based on embedded and IOT to field visit on calibre embedded system-Salem dated on 05.03.2024 to 09.03.2024. Totally 30 students and 1 faculty member of the college have actively participated in this visit.
Mr. C. Gokul, Senior Embedded Engineer, welcomed the participants to this session and introduced the chief guest. Mr. M. Parthiban Manickam, Technical Director, addressed the company facility and future of embedded technologies to students. After the welcome session, Mr. C. Gokul, senior embedded engineer, starts the embedded system practical session.

Institutions’ Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a one day workshop of “intellectual property rights” for the interested students of the all Departments on 03/04/2024 between 10 AM to 04.00 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 30 students and 10 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this workshop.

Field visit on “Field visit to Technology Transfer centre”
Institution Innovation Council cell arranged for Department of MECH, ECE & EEE students to create and develop the new project based on Starter, Control Panel, Timers and Pump Controller and IOT to field visit on Selkon Industries Pvt Ltd Erode dated on 04.01.2024. Totally 30 students and 2 faculty member of the college have actively participated in this visit.

Experts for Mentorship Support
Institution’s Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Session on “Experts for Mentorship Support” through offline for the ECE, CSE, AI & DS, EEE, MECH, CIVIL students of the Department on 09/12/2023 between 10 AM to 12.30 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 85 students and 07 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this Session.

Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity”
Institutions’s Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity” through online for the ECE, CSE, AI & DS, EEE, MECH, CIVIL students of the Department on 28/10/2023 between 10 AM to 12.30 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 100 students and 7 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this workshop.

Session on “Experts for Mentorship Support”
Institutions’ Innovation Council Cell of Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology has organized a Session on “Experts for Mentorship Support” through online for the ECE, CSE, AI & DS, EEE, MECH, CIVIL students of the Department on 27/09/2023 between 10 AM to 12.30 PM in the seminar hall of the college premises. 80 students and 10 faculty members of the college have actively participated in this Session.