Our Institution, a temple of learning and a hallmark of discipline, treads towards the zenith of glory by preferring the education of global standards in the best quality and variety, and substantiates to be a benchmark among all the colleges in India.


Role of the Committee

  • The Internal Complaints Committee has a critical role in the prevention, prohibition, and redress of sexual harassment at workplace.
  • To create awareness among all students regarding social issues.
  • To prohibit the unwelcome behavior that constitutes workplace sexual harassment or acts amounting to sexual harassment of any employee.
  • To ensure that all individuals are treated with equal respect and that no discriminatory treatment is given to anyone.

Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

S.NoName of the Committee MembersProfessionMobile NumberEmail
1Dr. V.SujathaPrincipal7598251217balkisujatha@gmail.com
3Mrs. G. Maria Dhayana LathaMember6380465297mariadhayanalatha@gmail.com
6Mr. V.RubeenMember6382231593rrubeen7@gmail.com
8Mr.D. GowsikStudent9342773799gowsik.gs65@gmail.com
9Mr.J. VigneshStudent7397346830vigneshcse2021@gmail.com
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