Our Institution, a temple of learning and a hallmark of discipline, treads towards the zenith of glory by preferring the education of global standards in the best quality and variety, and substantiates to be a benchmark among all the colleges in India.


Role of the Committee

  • To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues if any.
  • To inform the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships / program of State Govt. and UGC.
  • Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the college and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  • To ensure the Prevention of Atrocities on the SC, ST Staff, Faculty and Students.
  • To hear and resolve the issues/complaints if any; of such nature of Atrocity reported/complained.

Establishment of SC/ST Committee

S.NoName of the Committee MembersProfessionMobile NumberEmail
1Dr. V.SujathaPrincipal7598251217balkisujatha@gmail.com
2Dr.A SenthilkumarTeaching Faculty9578802230asenthilkumarme@gmail.com
3Mrs.M Presitha AarthiTeaching Faculty9363640813presithaaarthim@email.com
4Mr.N SoundararajanLibrarian6369306535soundarlib@gmail.com
5Mr. C. PravinkumarPRO9840266959cpravinkumarsankari@gmail.com
6Mr. M. GopinathStudent9361188132sudeep65icloud@gmail.com
7Ms S ArunthathiStudent9345094951arunthathicse2020@gmail.com
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