HOD Profile

Dr.K.G.S. Venkatesan, M.E., Ph.D.,

Professor & HOD

 Dr. K.G.S. Venkatesan received his D.C.S.E., Meenakshi Ammal Polytechnic, State Board of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu in 1992, B.Tech. (CSE), from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telengana and received M.Tech. (CSE), from Bharath Institute Science & Technology, Chennai. He obtained his Ph.D (CSE) degree BHIER, Chennai in the area of Wireless Sensor Network & Network Security. He has published more than 139 Research papers in International journals, performing quality R&D activities, publishing High quality papers in SCI, Elsevier, IEEE, Springer, Wiley-Interscience, Thomson Routers, Scopus & WoS Research publications Indexing with Scopus,  conferences of National, International and Faculty Development Programmes. At present guiding 1 Ph.D Research Scholar. He is having 7 years of Industrial Experiences, Teaching  experience of 17 years in various Reputed University / Engineering colleges and Total Experience  of 24 years. His Research interest lies in the area of Wireless Sensor Networks, Expert Systems, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Artificial intelligence, Neural Networks, Speech Recognition Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Software Development, Cloud Computing, Web Development, Network Security, Grid Computing & Virtualization. He is an active Life Member of MCSI, IA ENG, CSTA, IACSIT, SDIWC, MISTE,  Life member of Indian Society of Technical Education, New Delhi. 

MISSION 10X :  Attended Teachers Training Program conducted by WIPRO LTD.,  One week Period to enhancing the capability of the Faculty by honing their Teaching Skills  & exposing them to new Teaching  Paradigms. Faculty are also encouraged to prepare Session Plans & conduct classes in their area of Expertise using MXLA (Mission10x Learning Approach).  ICT Academy  of  Tamil Nadu,  Government of  Tamil Nadu has conducted Cloud Infrastructure and Services for Professors and Associate Professors of various Engineering Colleges, (Examination conducted). He is an active Editorial Board Member in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer & Communication Engineering, IJIRSET, ISSN (online) : 2319-8753 and having Google Scholar Citations of 545,   h-index of 16 Nos. and   i10-index of 14 Nos. of International Journal papers. And finally he is actively participating in ResearchGate. He is one of the authors  brings  the  book  the  essence  of  his  practical  and  teaching  in the  area of managing global software engineering. Dr. Venkatesan is also the author of  6 books – “A Guide for SOFTWARE TESTING –  A  Comprehensive  Description”, ISBN  No.  9789390034208,  BlueRose    Publishers,  Delhi, March 2020. New Technologies such as Data Science, Business Analytics, Quantum Computing AI, Machine Learning, Cyber Security and Block Chain, Internet of Things, Crypto-Currency Vice-Versa. As of now he is being digested and heeding the trending languages such as OKTA (Cloud Software), MOVE-Language and V-Language, Python at IDE’S, R Language, JULIA, GO, SCALA, D-Language, SWIFT as well. ResearchGate Score (RG), SSRN – Social Science Research Network,  Author ID : 3976689.                                      

 ORCiD – Open Researcher & Contributor,  ID :

International Book Chapters – 5 Nos.  PATENTS –29 Nos., International AUSTRALIA Patents – 4 Nos. CANADA & INDIAN  Copyright – 2 Nos. UK Design IPO  & South Africa Patent CIPC.

    • TURKEY–2024, International Cankaya Scientific Studies Congress, International Conference, ISBN 978-625-8254-35-8, Turkiye, 2024.

RESEARCH   SCIENTIST : Dr. K.G.S. Venkatesan, will be associated with NEUROLABS International under Dana Brain Health Institute, IRAN as Honorary Adjunct Research Scientist  in Artificial Intelligence for the period of June 20, 2022 to June 19, 2025 with Dr. M.Nami, MD, Ph.D., – IRAN & Dr. Prasun Chaakrabarti Ph.D., DSc., Deputy Vice Chancellor, ITM SLS Baroda University  Certificate No. NeouroLabs Inst./DBHI/SC/01H.

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