Electronics lab is spacious and well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and testing of analog circuits involving discrete components such as diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs as part of their curriculum.
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes
- Function generator
- Regulated DC power supplies
- Bread boards, Voltmeters, Ammeters

- Function Generators and Cathode Ray
- 150MHz RF Signal Generator
- Various Analog /Digital Study and Trainer Kits
- Fiber Optic Trainer Kit.
- Trainer Kits For AM,FM Signal Sampling, TDM,PCM,PAM,PPM,PWM,DM and line Coding Schemes
- Trainer kits for ASK, FSK and PSK
- MATLAB Software Tools

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory is playing an important role to bring advanced DSP research work into practical realization. The DSP Laboratory has developed into a well-recognized lab. We have also been widely consulted in areas in real-time DSP implementation, applications and programming. There is a constant need for designing systems with lower power, higher speed and lower area. Students learn the design flow from theory to software or hardware implementation and acquire practical knowledge by analyzing signals, with examples from the real world. The hands-on assignments make use of the Xilinx ISE tool chain for the design and implementation of variety of projects.
- MATLAB Software Tools
- DSP kit
- Spices Simulator Tools
- FPGA Boards
- Function Generators
- Cadence Software Tools
- Xilinx Software

An engineer who wants to understand existing digital circuits or to design new ones needs to know the basic operations of digital electronics. Digital electronics is also the base of computer technology. This lab is well equipped with equipment like digital trainer kits, IC testers, power supplies, CROs, bread boards etc. The lab has fifteen benches with the trainer kits where experiments are carried out. The various experiments consist of implementation of the logic gates and various combinational and sequential circuits.
- Digital IC Trainer Kit
- Digital Function Generator
- Digital IC Tester
- Function Generator (0-3 MHz)
- Digital Multimeter
- Single Output DC Regulated Power Supply (0-30v).
- Standalone Desktops PC
- Decade resistance box
- Decade inductance box
- Decade capacitance box
- Ammeter, Voltmeter

Linear Integrated Circuits & Simulation Laboratory is very important for designing the characteristics of OP-AMP, 555 Timer IC and to simulate the applications of OP-AMP. It is also used for designing the Electronic circuits-1. Students of various branches design and test their circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab-technicians. The labs are kept open after the college hours to enable the students to engage themselves in designing /testing the circuits in their leisure hours. Students are grouped into small teams and guided to do their mini projects by using the facility mentioned below.
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- Function Generator
- Dual Power Supplies
- Digital Multimeter.
- Regulated power supplies
- Signal generator

Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory
To strive for excellence in education, research and technological services imparting quality training to students, to make them competent and motivated Engineers.
Digital Laboratory
Digital Laboratory is equipped with IC trainer kits, IC testers, Function generators upto 1 MHz, CROs upto 25 MHz, Storage Oscilloscopes upto 50 MHz and all ranges of Power supplies. Various Instrumentation Kits are available in the Laboratory.

- Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
- IC and Microprocessor Lab
- Digital Lab